Anthem Tattoo Co

A complete redesign & modernization of Anthem Tattoo’s website





3 months / 80 hours

My Role

Ux/Ui Designer & Researcher


Figma, Adobe Illustrator, Optical Workshop

View Prototype


Anthem Tattoo is a popular tattoo studio based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. With a already impressive and growing number of followers the studio has a ton of potential. With all that being said however, it’s online presence leaves something to be desired.

The Problem

The existing online solution feels dated, incomplete and failes to capture the essence of the studio

In the dynamic world of body art, first impressions matter. For our client, a relatively new tattoo shop, the need for a website redesign became more and more evident after testing the current site with several users. Users expressed that their user experience was hindered, potentially turning away potential clients.



My Approach






Too much text...i would never read that.

this site feels unfinished

This link is broken

Why are the Artist’s under the tattoo ?

how do i book a consult?

Old Design

My goals for this project was to help improve Anthem’s online website experience, extend their brand market reach and expand its business goals. With the addition of a merch section I have completely revamped and modernized the site from its current solution.

How might we help Anthem Tattoo overcome its users lacklustre enthusiasm for its current website solution? This case study delves into the challenges faced, the objectives set, and the journey undertaken to revitalize the digital face of our client's business.

The Approach


Understand the users needs & constraints


Researh goals

Researh Plan

Market Research

Competitive Analysis



User Journey

User Flow & Task Flows





UI & Style

HI Fidelity Prototype


Usability Testing

Affinity Mapping




By understanding that a website serves as a virtual storefront for any tattoo shop, and after carefully analysis of Anthem Tattoo’s seemingly incomplete and user-unfriendly website, one imagines the frustration users must encounter. Therefore it is a must to use an empathetic approach in creating a seamless digital space between the artistry of the tattoo shop and a effortless user-friendly interface.


A two-fold approach was employed here for my user research.

First, was a round of usability testing of the current solution.

Second was the market research specifically, a competitive analysis was created to see what the competition was doing right & wrong

Research Tools Methods

Research Plan/Goals

The research plan was crafted with the end user in mind.

Usability Test - current site

5 interviewees

Uses who have tattoos or might be planning on getting one soon

Conducted over zoom calls over 1 wk

Questions were:

Results: How many people liked dislike would visit would not?

Next actions taken

“The site has way too much text”

“I dont think i would not get a tattoo from here”

Overall impression of the site was not favourable

75 % of users said the site was not welcoming

Disjointed & poorly organized were used to describe the site

Users were underwhelmed by the site

Users rated the likely hood they would use this site between 2-5/10

100% of users liked the logo

All users felt the addition of branded Merch would be a good addition

Key Insights

Overall, the user testing was a success based onteh feedback i receieved the over arching setiment was the site altho it beeing suffice was missing several things and was nit user friendly. There were repeated paint point with naviagation missing info and to much text ws often mentioned. This had not provoded enough to validate a new redesign.


Competitive analysis

4 competitors

What did u think of

How likely are u to

What did you think of

Researched 4 local competitors





Overall, the user testing was a success based onteh feedback i receieved the over arching setiment was the site altho it beeing suffice was missing several things and was nit user friendly. There were repeated paint point with naviagation missing info and to much text ws often mentioned. This had not provoded enough to validate a new redesign.






> Have trust in the artist she chooses

> To feel confident that the shop is clean and safe.

> Realize her vision for all of her tattoo ideas

>To find an artist she can use again and again

Stacey is a stylist who admires people with cool ink. With a few tattoos of her own, she’s planning for her next one. Researching and following her favourite artists online she needs to see a lot of images and testimonials before choosing her next artist or shop. Stacey is ok waiting long periods for the right artist and wants to be able to book and consult with them first online.




> Not being able to book an appointment on the site directly

> Lack info information on aftercare

> Stress about whether she will be happy with the outcome

>Regrets over her last tattoo


Stacey uses her laptop and phone equally. Her Macbook for work and for research and her phone while out and about or socializing

Social Media

Stacey Martinez

“I always do a lot of research beforehand and Instagram is the place I go for inspiration”

Age: 31
Family: Single
Job: Stylist
Location: West Coast

Mackbook - 50%

Iphone - 50%

“The planner”


> To commemorate the birth of her first child

> To find an artist who specializes in realism

> Wants to work with a highly skilled artist

>Find a tattoo shop closer to her home

>to set up a consultation from home

Jennifer has recently just had her first child. She wants her very first tattoo to be of her newborn’s picture, or there name. Not having a lot of spare time or experience she wants to be able to find a local tattoo shop and artist where she can communicate and book with them easily.




> Lack of time to spend endless hours to research

>Anxious about getting her first tattoo

>Cannot afford expensive tattoo

>Very best artist are hard to book


Jennifer uses a laptop phone and smart watch. The laptop primarily these days for work, she wears her watch all the time even monitors her sleep with it

Social Media

Jennifer Taylor

“I need a highly skilled artist, If It’s going to be on my body forever, it has to be perfect ”

Age: 26
Family: Married
Job: Marketing
Location: Seattle

Mackbook - 50%

Smartwatch -90%

Iphone - 25%

“The firrst-timer”

I developed these personas based off the preceding research findings validating the design choices prior to implementation. I referenced these throughout the design process and helped based off real user needs goals

Information Architecture

User flows

3 user flows were created to gain clarity on how users would complete certain tasks

This was valuable by revealing interactions and entry/exit points users will face


New nav bar design was requested by users

Adding the Merch/Store meant i needed to implement this into the new sitemap

The sitemap now accurately reflects the final layout of the new site

Re-did the sitemap to reflect the new features and new design


Sketches /

Lo-fi Wireframes

The use of sketches to begin my design process was key in finding the best direction for the new layout and new features.

I began by sketching the key screens first revamping artist page home page for both mobile & desktop